As the weather warms up and you spend more time outdoors, it's crucial to be aware of ticks and the potential health risks they pose. Ticks can transmit serious diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis. But don't let the fear of ticks keep you from enjoying nature. With the right precautions, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from these tiny but dangerous pests.

Understand Tick Habitats

Ticks thrive in wooded areas, tall grasses, and leaf litter where there is a suitable range of hosts on which the ticks can feed - cattle, horses, deer, basically any red blooded animal! When hiking, stick to the centre of paths and avoid brushing against vegetation. Be mindful when in moors, parks, and even your garden, as ticks can be found in these areas too.

Dress Appropriately

Wear light-colored clothing to easily spot ticks. Long sleeves, long trousers, and closed-toe shoes provide a physical barrier against ticks. Tuck your trousers into your socks or boots to prevent ticks from crawling up your legs or wear gaiters. For added protection, consider wearing clothing treated with Permethrin, an insect repellent designed for fabrics.

Use Tick Repellents

Apply tick repellent to exposed skin and clothing. Look for products containing DEET, Picaridin, or IR3535, which are effective against ticks. Always follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective use.

Lifesystems tick repellent pocket spray


Perform Regular Tick Checks

After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check your body for ticks. Pay special attention to areas such as the scalp, behind the ears, underarms, groin, and behind the knees. Use a mirror to check hard-to-see areas, and don't forget to inspect your pets and gear.

Shower Soon After Being Outdoors

Showering within two hours of coming indoors can help remove ticks before they attach. It also provides an opportunity to thoroughly check for any ticks that may have latched on.

Properly Remove Attached Ticks

If you find an attached tick, remove it as soon as possible with tweezers designed especially for the task. Grasp the tick close to the skin and pull upward with steady, even pressure. Clean the bite area and your hands with soap and water or alcohol gel. For a more detailed guide, please read our guide on effective tick removal

Woman removing a tick from her leg using tweezers

Maintain Your Garden

Keep your yard tick-free by regularly mowing the lawn, removing leaf litter, and clearing tall grasses and brush. Create a barrier of wood chips or gravel between your lawn and wooded areas to reduce tick migration into your garden. Consider using tick control products for your garden, especially if you live in a high-risk area.

Tick Safety Conclusion

Ticks may be small, but they can pose significant health risks. By understanding where ticks are found, dressing appropriately, using repellents, performing regular tick checks, and maintaining your garden, you can greatly reduce your risk of tick bites and tick-borne diseases. Enjoy the great outdoors with confidence and peace of mind by taking these proactive steps to protect yourself and your family from ticks.

Stay safe, stay vigilant, and keep exploring the beauty of nature without the worry of ticks. Your adventure awaits!