Winter Wellness: Mental Health Tips for Staying Active and Positive

As the colder months drag on, maintaining good mental health becomes essential. The winter season can bring about challenges, including shorter days and colder temperatures, which may impact your mood and overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips to stay active and positive during the colder months, promoting a healthy mind and body.

  1. Embrace Outdoor Activities

    • Despite the chill, spending time outdoors is crucial for mental health.  Just a brisk walk can do wonders for your mood, as exposure to natural light helps regulate your circadian rhythm.
    • Ensure you stay warm by layering your clothing and protecting your extremities by wearing a hat, gloves and good quality winter socks. 
  2. Create a Winter Exercise Routine

    • Develop a winter-friendly exercise routine that can be done indoors. Whether it's home workouts, yoga, or joining a gym, staying physically active releases endorphins, combating feelings of lethargy and sadness.
  3. Prioritise Good Quality Sleep

    • Ensure you're getting enough restful sleep. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and make your sleeping environment conducive to rest. Quality sleep is fundamental to mental health and resilience.
    • Avoid using electronic screens a few hours before bedtime as they can upset the body's natural sleep-wake rhythm.
  4. Cultivate Indoor Hobbies

    • Find joy in indoor activities that stimulate your mind. Consider activities like painting, cooking, reading, or learning a new skill.
    • Engaging in hobbies can provide a sense of accomplishment and serve as a distraction from winter blues.
  5. Socialise Virtually

    • Stay connected with friends and family through virtual means. Plan online gatherings, game nights, or virtual movie sessions to combat feelings of isolation and maintain a support system.
  6. Mindful Meditation

    • Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and improve your mental clarity. Apps and online resources can guide you through meditation sessions, helping you stay centered and positive.
  7. Warm and Nutrient-Rich Diet

    • Fuel your body with warming, nutritious foods. Incorporate seasonal fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet.
    • Hydrate adequately and consider herbal teas for an extra dose of warmth and relaxation.
  8. Set Realistic Goals

    • Establish achievable goals for the winter months. Whether it's personal or professional, having goals provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
    • Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to stay motivated.
  9. Create a Cosy Environment

    • Surround yourself with comfort by making your living space cosy. Add soft blankets, warm lighting, and seasonal decorations to create a comforting atmosphere that positively impacts your mood.
    • Invest in a good quality base layer and thermal mid layer to keep your core insulated - Nobody is going to see them underneath your clothing anyway!
  10. Seek Professional Support

    • If you find your mental health challenges persisting, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Therapists and counselors can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.
    • For urgent mental health help that isn't an emergency, then call NHS 111 or speak to the Samaritans on 116123.


Winter doesn't have to be synonymous with a dip in mental well-being. By incorporating these mental health tips into your routine, you can stay active, positive, and resilient during the colder months. Remember, small changes can have a significant impact on your overall mental health, promoting a sense of well-being and joy throughout the winter season.

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